Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I love to craft

I just love to do crafts and ever since we first lived in Houston and Megan Howard introduced me to Pinterest, my craft days have never been the same. So on Sunday I begged Bryan to go with me to Hancocks to buy fabric. Of course he said only if we go right after church because he was not going to want to get back out once we get home. So a got my fabric to make that fun, ruffled, Christmas tree skirt from Pinterest. That night I was in a sad mood after talking to my mom (who is in Hawaii, super jealous of them) I started crying and telling Bryan how much more fun this would be if I could craft with my mom and sister or even with a friend. It would be just so much easier if my mom was here when I had a sewing question or something. So, my sweet husband gets on the floor with me and helps cut my felt into a tree skirt. Don't tell him I said that because he may get embarrassed. So I spent alllll day Monday hot gluing muslin onto felt...
It is complete after many many hours! Thank you Pinterest!

Now we have to go buy a tree so I can dress it up in its new skirt! While we were at Hancocks I also picked up a couple yards of fabric to make placemats. My mom gave me the idea to sew different fabrics together to make double sided ones which I thought was a brilliant idea considering you only see one side at a time! So, inspired by the fun placemats at one of my new favorite stores, World Market, I made my own for much cheaper. I just used the pattern from another placemat I had.
Less than a yard of each fabric makes 4 placemats.
Here is a completed one! I fell in love with the floral print and thought it would be pretty for spring and the bottom I picked for Christmas!
I love pears! Looks like I am ready for sping already! Haha.
So, that is what I have been doing with my time the past two days! Oh, and thanks to Meghan Leibold I found a hair salon on Yelp and will finally be getting my hair cut on Friday! YAY! 


  1. Once again, I am so impressed with your creativity and craftiness!!! Apparently, you and I are on the same schedule for emotional breakdowns. I had one last night about how I don't have any friends here. If I wanted to invite someone to a movie, I don't even have anyone to call, etc. haha. Matthew stepped in and comforted me too. Aren't we glad we aren't entirely on our own in our strange new cities? :) When we both move back to Houston (someday) we can be crafting buddies.

  2. Bahaha, I'm glad that I could help. I found mine on there too. I love the tree skirt and the placemats! I really wish that I had more time to craft.

  3. Pinterest will change your life! I am an addict!
