Sunday, March 25, 2012

Be our guest

Our week began with a couple wild events. Tuesday a tornado touched down between my office and Bryan's. Wednesday there was a chemical fire and explosion at the plant adjacent to Bryan's. It released chlorine gas into the atmosphere causing Bryan and everyone within the parish to take shelter. The Department of Homeland Security called his office and recommended they seal themselves in. They used duct tape to seal the doors and had respirators in case gas leaked into the building. After three hours they put out the fire and contained the gas leak but roads remained closed for the day. His car is now spotted with ash and acid which may lead to a new paint job...
Picture from the news.

Starting Thursday evening, we were able to hang out with Bryan's friend Justin who was in Baton Rouge for work. He was able to spend the weekend with us and tour some of New Orleans.
We stopped by Bryan's work to show Justin Gary the gator. Just a baby.
Justin and Bryan on the trolley

Thanks for taking this picture Justin! We had wanted a pic with the trolley.

Getting flowers at the "Spring Fiesta Parade"

Old fashion New Orleans brass band in front of Cafe Du Monde.

One of the many weddings we saw. I thought their fleur de lis umbrellas were so fun!

The many people crowded around the street entertainment in Jackson Square.
We ended the weekend today with a little shopping and a very exhausting bike ride around the lake at LSU. We are now counting down the days to our weekend trip to the beach this weekend!

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